Gutsch Oat Drink

Gutsch. Produced in Switzerland – just a stone throw from our café – 100% local organic ingredients.
For us there wasn’t any other possibility than this oat drink.

A cooperative of a handful of the best Swiss coffee-people has decided to joint their forces and developed Gutsch for the needs of coffee bars who are looking for an alternative to cow’s milk.
Gutsch foams like cow’s milk, tastes neutral and therefore harmonizes perfectly with all types of coffee.


Gutsch Oat Drink

Who is Gutsch?

We are a cooperative that loves coffee, appreciates working with like-minded people and wants to promote organic farming in Switzerland. We have always fostered exchange in the Swiss coffee community – and we would like to further strengthen this with Gutsch. As a cooperative, we can work together towards our goals.

Why a cooperative? 

Together we get further. The more who participate in the Gutsch cooperative, the more attractive we can make the framework conditions for all. The cooperative has the signal effect of a movement. The more cafés in Switzerland join together in the same cause, the more incentives are created for the production of organic oats. And we all have something to gain from that.

Learn more about the cooperative & the people behind here.