June 27, 2024

Sancoffee wins the SCA Sustainability Award 2024

by Leandra

Have you ever heard of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Sustainability Awards?

If not (and you’re a passionate coffee drinker) you might want to read on.

Because: Winning this award is like winning an Oscar in the coffee industry. And our long-time partner Sancoffee from Brazil has won it in the for-profit category this year – whoooop!


What this award means to Sancoffee

Since 2004 SCA recognizes organizations in the coffee industry for their outstanding work in the field of sustainability. Meaning: They’re acknowledged for improving their social and environmental footprint (whilst facing challenges from climate change to gender inequality), for collaborating across geographies, cultures, value chain roles – and for sharing their knowledge to inspire others across the entire coffee sector.

In other words – for making the world a better place through coffee.

Sancoffee is an independent cooperative of specialty coffee producers from the Campo das Vertentes region of Brazil.

Their mission to empower farmers in their region and beyond to set their focus on quality, social value and environmentally responsible choices has now received further industry recognition from SCA:

«This award is an acknowledgement to the young talent in our region that coffee is a great career path. There is no need to make a hard choice between production and sustainability.»

Fabricio Andrade, CEO Sancoffee

This sends a strong signal to the coffee community – also in other regions and countries.

Moreover, it dispels the stereotype of Brazilian coffee production that there are only large farms – which, according to Sancoffee, is not the case. Of the more or less 300’000 producers, a full 80 per cent are family farms.

«Brazilian coffee today is about quality, consistency, sustainability and young producers willing to innovate – supporting inclusion and diversity. This award is proof that there are many people who want to build a different kind of coffee business – by doing things the right way.»

Fabricio Andrade, CEO Sancoffee

Encouraged, Sancoffee continues to build on their long-term goals and inspire others to follow their model leading to a more socially and environmentally sustainable coffee industry.

After all, they believe it’s all about inspiration. Inspired, so do we.